Thursday, March 29, 2007


As this course has been going on I have learned a lot of things about the industrial food system. What I have learned is that is extremely fucked up. The industrial food system is based on the fact that they can take animals and use them for what ever they want. They can use them to chop up and be sent off to fast food restaurant. The worst part of it all is when they do kill the animals for the restaurants using they defile the meat by dropping that animals fiancés in the meat. That courses many diseases and many other unhealthy problems to the human body.

While watching the movie our daily bread I was thinking about how the food companies use the animals as if they are objects and not the real creatures that were put on this earth. They were treating them like they were nothing and they were being abused. It made me think more about what they were feeling and what if we were in the same problem or predicament. What if we were subjected to a world where we have one purpose to do one thing? What if that one thing was to die for other creatures to eat us? And what if we are abused and hurt during it. What if we are living in a fake world?
I was really destroyed emotionally about how these animals in the slaughterhouses are treated. How they go through grueling processes to be electrically sedated, and then sliced in half and all this while they are still conceded alive.

The next thing that we focused on in class was watching a movie called Fast Food Nation. This movie that we watched really got me thinking out of all the other things we have done in this class so far. First we saw a scene where workers at a fast food restaurant spit on a bad customers order. It doesn’t seem like its that big of a deal or have that much of meaning but to me that was the first thing that really woke me up and made me see how the system is so corrupt. The next thing that happened in the movie is when they showed the illegal immigrants working in the slaughterhouse. It was weird to think that they are supplied drugs to work faster ad then when the workers get hurt they say that it’s the workers fault. With that in mind they then send that worker to the hospital and then either fire them or do something to there position in the company because they get tested and told that they are using illegal drugs. Basically to me it seems like the system is trying to get the workers into a trap.

Then again in this movie they brought up the fact that there is shit in the meat and that the meat could contain diseases that are harmful to the health of humans. Then they tried to explain that if you cook the meat for a specific amount of time that all the diseases and shit will be heated up and destroyed. But then I had to think that if the people that work at the fast food restaurants are mean enough and have he power to spit in the food then what’s to say that they don’t have the power to not heat the food up to the specific point. Plus its also just the fact that the workers just like in the slaughter house are working so fast that they make mistakes and not cook all the shit and diseases out of the meat.