Friday, February 9, 2007

Question B: If I had unlimited time, skill and money to make type of food that I wanted for breakfast, lunch and dinner for three days I would make these foods for my meals. For the first day I would make cereal for breakfast with milk and orange juice for a drink. For lunch I would have a burger and soda. For dinner I would make stake and have soda for a drink. The second day that I could make food with all the unlimited time that I had I would make eggs and bacon for breakfast with orange juice. For lunch I would have tacos and soda. For dinner I would have seafood and soda. The third and last day I would have toaster strudel and orange juice. For lunch I would have pizza and soda. And for dinner I would have lamb because that’s my favorite dish in the world and soda.

Question C: What I believe people should eat every day of their lives is vegetarian foods and meals because that is the healthiest type of food that you can eat. It would be salads, other vegetables, and fruits. That’s the best way to keep everyone in the world healthy.

1 comment:

Ken said...

where will we get the nutrients we usually get from vegetables and fruits. would we not begin to develop high blood pressure and leopard spots from this