I want to know when people think of food what do they believe is healthy. To many different people different things are healthy in this world. Everyone has their own system of eating and there own diets that they go by because they believe it works for them. But what truly is the best diet system to go by. And who is the person that says that that is the best one to use. When I look at food and the diets systems that are out on the market today I see what I would like, and what would mainly benefit my body and me. The Atkins diet is the best diet system.
Most people in this world have grown up learning to eat their fruits and vegetables because thoughts food groups are known to be the healthiest for the human body. But what if there was a diet that said that thoughts are the worst of the all and that the best to eat for fast results is meat and cheese. Well the Atkins diet is that diet that says that meat and cheese is the right way to go to see fats results and healthier eating habits. “Because the diet advocates meats, cheeses and other fatty foods and eliminates fruits and vegetables due to the high carbohydrate content, many feel that it is unhealthy and could cause more harm than good. The Diet is broken into four phases in which the goal is to gain “carb control” before slowly reintroducing carbohydrates into the diet.” (www.skinnyondiets.com) What the Atkins diet is trying to do is they are trying to target the carbohydrate system In the human body for they believe that is what will cause you to see that best and fastest results.
The Atkins diet is formed around not eating fruits and vegetables and only eating mats and cheeses. This will target the carbs for the human body making what the Atkins diet to believe is the best way to diet. During the lifestyle of the Atkins diet the people will have to go through an intake of fatty food. “Because of the types of foods allowed on this diet, it appeals to many people – eggs, steak, bacon, cheese, cream and butter are allowed, some of the top foods eliminated in most diets. On this diet, the rich foods should create feelings of fullness for longer periods of time so snack foods containing carbohydrates will rarely be considered.” (www.skinnyondiets.com) For most diets you would never see this on the list of foods to eat but for the Atkins diet this is what they think works. The Diet Also states that the users should eat 3 regular meals or 4-5 smaller meals so that the body can adapt to the feeling of fullness, and there can be no skipped meals.
The Atkins diet is a great diet to go by and helps you to loose the amount of weight that you would like. There are positive things that come out of using the Atkins diet. “ Diet aims to provide a lifelong approach, and
Products do not contain trans fat.” (www.skinnyondiets.com) The diet does not include exercise, which will help to loose the amount of weight that you want. They don’t stress on the exercise and work out plans because the food system is believed to be good enough.
Some people believe that the best form of diet is the vegetarian lifestyle. People believe that it is the best form of diet for a number of reasons. For example some people think that it is bad to kill animals. “More than 27 billion animals are killed for food every year in the U.S. alone. Animals in factory farms have no legal protection from cruelty that would be illegal if it were inflicted on dogs or cats, including neglect, mutilations, genetic manipulation, drug regimens that cause chronic pain and crippling, transport through all weather extremes, and gruesome and violent slaughter.” (http://goveg.com/theissues.asp) Another reason to why people think that a vegetarian diet is the best diet to go with is that it protects us from diseases. “Healthy vegetarian diets support a lifetime of good health and provide protection against numerous diseases, including our country’s three biggest killers: heart disease, cancer, and strokes.” (http://goveg.com/theissues.asp)
Although I do agree with what the vegetarian diet is trying to accomplish with the saving of animals and making the world a better place with less diseases. The main thing that people are trying to get out of diets is weight loss and not helping the planet.
Then there is the most popular diet of them all and the one diet that most people in the world seem to fallow the Normal everyday US diet. The Normal US diet consists of what ever that person wants to eat regardless of heath or weight loss. When looking around everyday I see people consuming everything from vegetables, to fruit, to junk food. The normal US diet was created to be a comfort diet. The comfort of this diet is that you eat what you want and you are happy with how your body is taking in the food. Health and harming anything else isn’t your concern just what do you want to eat and how do you like your food. Why this is a bad diet plan is because it has no control on anything. The diet is free and it can’t target any one area or problem. Making is extremely hard for the person to make any positive changes. The only thing that the diet is good for is giving that person free choice on what he or she wants to eat.
In conclusion the best diet that is on the market today is the Atkins diet. The Atkins diet has a steady system that targets every point that you need to loose the amount of weight that you want. The Atkins diet is god for you and helps to make you stronger and healthier. I think that it is important for people to know what they are eating because it will help them to make better desiccations and live a happier and healthier life. By knowing what your eating people can pick out what they are suppose to eat and what will work for there body and what will work against there body. Also by when people know what they’re eating they can get stronger and loose more weight, which is the main point to why people are on a diet in the first place.
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Since meats contain saturated fat and cholesterol, won't a diet centered around meat result in poor cardiovascular health?
I believe fiber is essentially cellulose, which are the cell walls of plants. Since fruits and vegetables are not eaten in the Atkins diet, how do people on the diet get their fiber?
good paper elliot. i think that you should have more evidence about why it is better to stay away from carbs etc. there are several grammatical errors so look it over.
hey elliot, chiko i read your paper and i think that it is very well organized, and you cite various sources that give many examples. The only thing you need to improve on is check for some spelling errors, and i think that you should argue stronger anout why is your diet better than the vegetarian diet.
"But what if there was a diet that said that thoughts are the worst of the all and that the best to eat for fast results is meat and cheese."
I don't understand what you are trying to say here.
Do you actually believe what you are saying about the Atkind Diet being better than all other diets?
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